Stakeholder Collaboration
To drive sustainability in the ferrochrome industry, collaboration among industry players, governments, research institutions, and other stakeholders is crucial. Sharing best practices,technological advancements, and knowledge exchange can foster innovation and accelerate sustainable improvements across the sector.
ATIFC has collaborated with the local steel and ferrochrome industries to study the use of slag as a sustainable material In association with Sohar Free Zone and Sultan Qaboos University a study was conducted on “Sustainable Management of Steel Slag and Ferrochrome Slag” .Sultanate of Oman Government stakeholders like Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Environmental Authority, Ministry of Standards, Ministry of Transport were collaborators in the study. The study recommended that the slag can be used as a replacement for the conventionally used materials in manufacture of sand, aggregate for base and sub base in road construction, ,asphalt mixes, aggregate in concrete etc. Based on the Ministry of Standards approved the material for use in the local industry.
With this collaborative study ATIFC has obtained approval from Ministry of Transport for trial study to use the Ferrochrome slag as a base and subbase layer for asphalt road construction